One of the most important references of the company ILD is the general delivery of technology for the combined production of electric energy and heat with a fluidized bed boiler burning 100% pellets from plant biomass.

The construction of the project “MOSTEK Energo – Energy Centre Mostek” took place in 2012-2014. The steam production with turbine parameters is provided by a boiler supplied by the company Kovosta-Fluid a.s., which is a boiler with a stationary fluidized bed. The boiler is able to burn 100% phyto-mass pellets with a low ash melting point. The plant complies with all emission limits required by legislation.

Basic technical parameters:

  • Rated output of the steam boiler – 22.5 t/h;
  • Rated pressure of the super-heated steam – 3,95 MPa;
  • Rated temperature of the super-heated steam páry – 415 °C;
  • Boiler efficiency –> 90%;
  • Active generator power – 4,9 MWe;
  • Heat supply for external consumption – 2,45 MWt;